Birthday For Babies is an annual event honouring
all babies born still.

Since its humble beginning in 2015, Birthday For Babies has played host to families from all around Australia. The event includes food and drinks, entertainment, children’s activities, and a live butterfly release for those that wish to remember and honour the babies born without breath.

In Memory of Alfie

Birthday For Babies is an initiative by Australia’s first Stillbirth Awareness Charity, Still Aware. Still Aware was formed by a mother to a baby born still, at 40 weeks in South Australia. Alfie Foord-Heath was born without breath on February 12, 2014. With no rhyme or reason for the death of this healthy baby girl, her mother and father - with the guidance of an advisory board and your help - aim to change how we talk about stillbirth prior to the tragedy, raising awareness in hopes of prevention.

You can learn more about Still Aware at

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